Free Consultation
Step 1
100% Money back Guarantee
Step 2
Financial Freedom
Step 3
As soon as we accept you as a client, we will file a Power of Attorney letting the IRS or State know that youhave retained professional representation and will be resolving the issue soon. This will place us between you and them giving you peace of mind while we resolve your issue in the most expedient and cost-effective way possible. We immediately begin reviewing your tax transcripts to find out how the tax debt came to be and what needs to be done to resolve it.
We will then look into the collection framework to determine if there are any imminent or existing aggressive actions that we need to address immediately. We NEVER fail to check if a Revenue officer has been or will be assigned to your case to collect from you. This will determine the urgency at which we need to move to protect your income or assets.
Our financial analysis is designed to maximize your allowable monthly expenses and to attempt to reduce your monthly disposable income so that you can be placed in a resolution program that will not create a financial hardship on you and one that will prevent further actions. Our goal is to show the IRS that you need your money to run your home or business and only offer to pay anything if there is anything left over.
This is where we will update you on all the Discovery findings answer any questions that you have and inform you of what program you qualify for. We will discuss what needs to be done to get your tax file complaint and you will know exactly what needs to be done to resolve your tax issue once and for all. Our clients are always in control of all the stages and never pay for anything unless they know exactly what program they qualify for.
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Step 3